Camillo Gamnitzer, Probleemblad 2004
Position: r1bKB3/p4pN1/2Pk3n/2p3p1/NpP1Q1P1/B2p1pP1/2P1P3/1r6 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 5

Black: Ra8, Bc8, a7, f7, Kd6, Nh6, c5, g5, b4, d3, f3, Rb1
White: Kd8, Be8, Ng7, c6, Na4, c4, Qe4, g4, Ba3, g3, c2, e2

1. Lxf7?! (2. De6+ Lxe6#) Sxf7+!  

1. De3!
(2. Sf5+ Sxf5 3. Dxc5+ Ke6 4. Dxf5+! Kd6
5. Df6+ Le6#)
1. - b3! (4. Dxf5?)
2. Sxc5! (3. Dxd3+! Ke5 4. Dc3+! Kd6 5. Df6+) Td1
3. De5+! Kxe5
4. Lb2+!
5. Sb7+ Lxb7#

... alle witte stucken optimaal gebruikt (Redaktion)

... white Queen must go to acrobatic lenghts in order to play on seven different squares

Das Finale ist reinstes "Selbstzitat", nicht so der Beginn (CG)