Camillo Gamnitzer, Probleemblad 2010 , 1. Preis
Position: b2Q3N/1B5p/1P1Pk2b/pp4p1/rrPBK1P1/pp1PRR2/8/8 w - - 0 1
selfmate in 5

Black: Ba8, h7, Ke6, Bh6, a5, b5, g5, Ra4, Rb4, a3, b3
White: Qd8, Nh8, Bb7, b6, d6, c4, Bd4, Ke4, g4, d3, Re3, Rf3

Here we see more quiet white moves than usual in a selfmate of this length and with so much force of both colours on the board (J. M. Rice)

1. Ld5+? Lxd5+ 2. cxd5...
1. c5? Flucht (2. Ld5+ Lxd5#) Lxb7+! 2. c6... 
1. Lc6? Flucht (2. c5) Lb7! (2. - La6!/Lc8!)
1. cxb5? Flucht Txb5! (2. - Txd5!) 

1. Sg6! droht (2. Dc8+ Kxd6 3. Dc7+ Ke6 4. c5!
[5. Ld5+] Lxb7+ 5. Dc6+! Lxc6#)
1. - hxg6
2. Lc6!
3. De8+ Kxd6
4. De5+ Kxc6
5. Dd6+! Kxd6#
6. Kf5??

Zweitspiel, nicht mehr zweckrein: 
1. - Lf8
2. cxb5!
3. Df6+ Kd7
4. Sxf8+ Ke8
5. Lc6+ Lxc6#
6. Ke5??/Kf5??